Day 27 – July 19

Today is our first full day in Denali. We jumped on the bus at 10:10 am to head up the park road as far as we are allowed, East Fork River bridge MP 43.

Along the drive, Anna, our driver, stopped so we could photograph the top of Denali.

Then, she spotted some caribou trying to stay cool.

Then, someone on the bus yelled “bear!” Anna stopped. The grizzly was just walking down the hill. This bear was not to far from where we got of the bus, but it was a safe distance.

The bus ride stopped at the East Fork River bridge, mile marker 43. The road is closed further up due to a land slide.

This is looking down river. We could not hike in that direction.

Here is the view up river. Steve, Kenny, Diane and I hiked up river for 2 miles, had lunch, then back to catch a bus back to camp.

To get down to the river, we had to descend stairs. Steve was the first one down. As he reached the bottom, he started photographing. He sees a caribou in the water, then yells to get back on the stairs. The caribou was headed right for him. Everyone was safe on the stairs as the caribou ran past..

We saw some Arctic Ground Squirrel, Willow Ptarmigan, Arctic Tern and porcupine.

Here are some of the different rocks and plants we saw as we hiked along the braided river bed.

Here are some of the different views of the landscape.

Here is the farthest point went. Met a guy who biked to the very end of the road, 92 miles.

Tonight, I made my stuffed meatloaf with bison meat instead of hamburger. It turned out great.

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