Day 23 – July 15

Moving from Tok River State Recreation Area, AK to Tanana Valley Campground and RV Park, Fairbanks, AK. It is a 3 night stay. Today is the longest daylight we have had 19 hrs and 55 minutes.

This morning, while cooking breakfast, several of the eggs were frozen. The refrigerator is working very well.

After breakfast, when the trailer was all packed up and hooked up, we changed the spare tire back to the repaired tire.

We also saw some cars stopping just after we crossed the Tanana River. They saw moose. Here is my picture of the 3 moose.

We stopped at the Delta Meat & Sausage company, and purchased several different meats, bison hamburger and elk sausage.

Today, once at camp, it was a relaxing day, because it took a long time to get here.

Here is a photo of camp. It was a very tight squeeze to get the trailer in.