Another day in Fairbanks. Today, we took a drive north on Hwy 2, Elliott Hwy to Hwy 11, Dalton Hwy which takes you to the Arctic Circle.
The trip is about 80 miles one-way, but took well over 2 hours to drive. The road is very bumpy with a 12 mile section that was all tore up so they could repave.
We stopped at the sign “Welcome to the James Dalton Highway.” At that point the road is dirt and we turned around.

Kenny, Snowball and Lucy
We did try to find the town “Livengood”. It was a very tiny spot that had a transportation maintenance yard and a house.

Along the way, there were some areas of a previous forest fire. There were beautiful patches of fireweed.

On the way back to Fairbanks, we found the Silver Gulch Brewing Company, Fox, AK. It is the northern most brewing company in the US. We stopped to try some beer and had appetizers.

Lucy hanging out on the drive.